Friday, December 15, 2006


400 alt k/drill by 50's IM order
4x100 IM

Total: 2400m 1hr.

I've been sick off and on all week. And today my voice is really starting to go. But after baking cookies all day with my students I had to get to the pool and wash away the greasy goodness. I could feel it seeping into my skin! But because of the sickness, I was having problems breathing tonight. Pretty low energy swim....kinda felt like trying to swim through concrete. Regardless, it felt great to be in the water and moving a bit. It'll be nice to have some week nights back after this choir concert is over on Sunday. New Year's Resolution=pool at least 2x a week!!


Joe said...

That sucks when you've got a cold/flu that won't quite go away. I'm in the same boat too these days.

What kind of cookies did you make.

Kirsten said...

sugar cookies!!! with lots of frosting and sprinkles!

ha ha ha....drank beer and champagne last night...seems to have cleared the cold! i feel so much better!

Joe said...

Tag, you're it.