Sunday, July 09, 2006

10 km

It's been a SLOW workout my other blog for the details. But on Monday I was in a bike accident which prevented me from swimming/biking most of the week. I'm totally fine, but just taking it easy.

Yesterday, JP, Linea and I, headed into the mountains for the day. I'd heard of Toga before, but had never been. It is up in the mountains down a long winding narrow road. It's hard to believe they can get in or out during the winter. We found this amazing Tibetan Buddhist Nepalese Meditation center there. Again, I'd heard of it, but had no idea what it really was or what to expect. We arrived just in time to watch Nepalese dancing. We also toured their meditation halls and viewed the gorgeous mandalas. And we ate an amazing meal of dahl bhat, Tibetan bread, momos, and chai! Delicious Nepalese food in the mountains of RURAL Japan--strange!

Next we found a hike! We weren't exactly sure how long it would be or where it would take us...except up! Round-trip it was almost 4 hours and about 10km. We hiked to the top of a mountain (~1600m) and if it has been clear, we should have been able to see the entire range. Unfortunately it was cloudy (we were in the clouds) and we didn't see much of anything! But it was an amazing hike! Lots of lush green, butterflies, bees the size of small birds, wild flowers, and only 2 other hikers on the trail!

My knee is a bit bruised after my accident, but I took it slow and it feels okay today!

Total: 10km 3hr. 45 min.

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