Monday, July 10, 2006


Warm-up/Free Swim
2500m s/k/p

8x50 alt ez/bd-up
8x25 brst 3ez/4th fast

Cool Down

Total: 3300m 90min

I haven't been to a Master's workout in about a month for a variety of reasons. Anyway, I know I'm never really missing much, but it's a pre-paid pool time slot. Tonight I was the first one in the pool at 7pm. I thought I would be swimming alone tonight, but others finally showed up a bit after 7:30. Hence the reason for a long long warm-up of a variety of swim/pull/kick. At 8pm I finally asked if we were going to do any sets tonight. That got me into trouble. In response I got...oh please teach us, be our teacher tonight. Oh no!! So, I got my lane to do the above sets. It was so hard for them. We didn't even do it on an interval. I just waited until almost everyone got back to the wall. They were dying. But after the first set, we had 10 minutes left so they asked for more. I think I lost a few people in the process. They got out or moved to the slow lane. Oh well. They will probably be thrilled that I won't be coming to practice again for about a month.


Joe said...

What's the Japanese word for Coach?

Linea said...
