Monday, January 22, 2007

KMSC 2050m


10x50 butterfly drill (7 kick only, 3 alt. arm)
50s fly

Cool Down

Total: 2050m 1hr. 35min.

It's my first KMSC workout in months!!! And luckily I didn't have to coach tonight. But it kicked my %*#. My lane pushed me to the front for the first 50 of fly drill. But when I reached the wall, the woman behind me said I needed to go faster....dozo!! So she was in the lead the rest of the night. I struggled and made it, but just barely!

It turns out the next All Japan Masters meet is the March meet and tomorrow is the deadline. Oh well! And apparently last night they had a big New Years enkai...thanks for the invite! Oh well, especially after the two old guys both made comments about wanting to go out with me! Ick!! The quote of the night, "How can I touch you?" He meant to say, or at least I want to think he meant to say, "How do I get in touch with you?" I'm tried not to be irritated!

1 comment:

Joe said...

> "How can I touch you?"

Oh my! Hehehehhehehe!