Monday, January 29, 2007

KMSC 1550m


10x50 back drills

Cool Down

Total: 1550m 1hr.20min.

Eek, I hate back drill day. And I do it all wrong the coach is always correcting me. Apparently my hand over reaches across my midline. And no matter how hard I try not to, I still do it. Oh well. I hate back!

No crazy comments from the men today. But an older lady in the locker room just started chatting me up, going on and on about how nervous she was to go to practice. Or at least that's what I was pretending she was saying. I actually couldn't understand a word of what she was saying. And then another women randomly stopped me in the pool and commented that she could be as old as my mother and indeed she's right. She's as old as my mom. Glad we cleared that up.

Well, with my current schedule I just can't get to the pool more than once a week...well, I might be able to. Anyway, I board on Saturdays and swim on Mondays. And until the next paper gets done, that's all I'm really gonna hope for. But starting in April....I'm gonna try to make an effort to really train for the last Masters meet of my Japan Masters career. It's in June! That gives me two solid months.

1 comment:

Joe said...

> Apparently my hand over reaches
> across my midline.

I have the same problem from time to time. Try letting your arm enter the water in such a way that it *feels* like your arm is at shoulder height (picture yourself standing in a T position with your arms at shoulder height). It will *feel* like your arm is entering too low but in reality it will probably be entering at the correct spot. Also, when your arm enters, position your hand such that it feels like your hand is parallel to the end of the pool.

> No crazy comments from the men today.

I eat dirt and I smell the moon.

> I'm gonna try to make an effort
> to really train for
> the last Masters
> meet of my Japan Masters
> career. It's in June! That gives
> me two solid months.

Two months is plenty of time to reach world class speed!