Thursday, March 02, 2006



8x25 fly 1:00
8x25 back :40
8x25 brst :40
8x25 free :35
2x100 IM

Cool Down:

Total: 2600m 1hr.

I really didn't want to go today, but I pushed through and got to the pool. Knowing I'm entered in a Masters Swim Meet is incentive!! But today was one of those days...3 people in the lane. And they just don't seem to divide naturally based on skill level. I had one guy in my lane tonight that couldn't finish a 25, but he kept trying. Seriously, he stood up in the middle of the lane and just stood there looking confused as I almost ran him down.

Fly didn't feel strong tonight. I think I need more of a warm up before attempting too much fly. Also my right shoulder felt stressed. I was pulling hard in my warm-up and I think I might have agitated it. I still have my band from college, I hope I don't need it. But it felt like the same problem. The tendon might pop if I'm not careful!


Chris said...

Umm, what is all this about? Is this your workout? Please don't tell me 'p' stands for 'pushup' and 's' stands for 'situp.' You'd put me to shame!

Kirsten said...

ha ha ha. if i was doing 400 push-ups I'd be ripped!!! and 800 situps!! wow!! There's a goal to work for!
p=pull s=swim k=kick