Sunday, October 08, 2006



8x100 IM drill alt 25s :30 sec rest
2x100 IM s

Cool Down
50scull 200s

Total: 3050s 1hr.15min

Two days in a row at the pool with Linea. WOW!! That's unheard of. And today we brought Kylie too. So, there were three gaijin in one lane. It was an amazing sight! The women next to us were sitting on the bottom of the lane watching us. And there were a few oblivious men who decided to jump in our lane with us but they only last 50m and then quickly got out!
It was great to do a set with people instead of on my own. It inspires me to swim a little faster and a little harder! I need more of that!


Anonymous said...

anytime kirsten... anytime...

Anonymous said...

Be thankful that it wasn't the men sitting on the bottom of the pool watching you underwater. Gross...