Saturday, December 09, 2006



Total: 1700m 40min.

Yep, I haven't been to the pool for almost two weeks...pathetic. But between choir practice, eikaiwas, studying, Christmas parties, packing and shopping, there has been NO TIME!! Today my big outing got cancelled, so I thought I'd make it to the pool with lots of time for a nice long workout. But all I could think about was all the things I have to do before I leave! it was in and out and on to other things. But while I was in I had two under water lookers today. And one woman stopped me in the locker room to comment that I was as fast as the olympic swimmers. Ha ha ha....she obviously doesn't watch swimming!!!

And tomorrow....I'm gonna try out my new snowboard (a rental).

1 comment:

Joe said...

Uunderwater lookers? Hehe, I believe you've commented on that before. You must be doing some special to attract underwater lookers. Or maybe it's a cultural thing?