Saturday, November 25, 2006



4x25 fly drill
4x25 fly s
4x50 brst
4x50p fr on :50
50 front scull
50 back scull

Cool Down

Total: 2300m 1hr.

I felt like I was going to spontaneously combust if I didn't get to the pool today. It's a gorgeous November day, and I got to the pool just as the sun was flooding it....beautiful!! Except everytime I took a breath the sun blinded me and then I saw red spots all over the pool bottom. Felt good to stretch after spending so much time in front of the computer. Hopefully I can get to the pool 2-3x a week before flying home for the holidays! And then....on to snowboarding season!


Joe said...

Hehe, funny remark about the red spots. Are you goggles tinted? Myself, I prefer untinted goggles, but then again, our pool only has a couple of windows and we usually swim late at night.

Where are you snowboarding? Whistler?

Kirsten said...

Yes, they are tinted, but I don't think that was the problem!! Ever since I was little I see color spots sometimes....strange!!

Snowboarding...this weekend in Nagano. New Years on Mt. Hood in OR. And the rest of the season out my back door (+1 hr. drive).

Whistler....someday, I hope!