Monday, November 06, 2006

KMSC 1400m


5x50 free b-up (1st ez, 2nd last 13m fast, 3rd 25m fast, 4th 38m fast, 5th 50m fast)
7x50 free breathing drills (1st brth 3/strokes & count strokes, 2nd -2 strokes, 3rd brth 5/strokes same pace, 4th brth 7/strokes, 5th brth 9/strokes, 6th 25 no brth/25ez, 7th 25 no brth/25ez)
3x50 free stroke drills (1st armpit touch, 2nd exist splash, 3rd combo)
1x50 scull

Cool Down

Total: 1400m 1hr. 10min.

Oh no, the coach wasn't there again tonight and they asked me to coach them. EEK! I need to start coming to the pool with a workout in my back pocket so I don't have to make it up on the fly (ha ha ha). Anyway, they seemed to enjoy it! And it's much different from stuff I've ever done with them when the coach is there. So hopefully it's helpful!


Anonymous said...

I like your "5x50 free b-up" set. We do sets like that from time to time. Does "b-up" stand fro "build up"?

Kirsten said...'s a build-up! I'm not sure they actually build it up! I think they just swim normal. And for some strange reason, the coach, always swims last, behind the slowest swimmer, so I didn't get to build-up anything. I had to build-down!! :(

in college we used to do 8x100 b-up or 10x75 b-up! Always as a pre-set to get our heart rate up! I recommend!

Anonymous said...

8x100 build up? Ugh, that's hard!