Saturday, November 11, 2006


200k IM
200drill IM

Total: 50 min 2050m

I have been sitting in front of a computer ALL day. I had to get out. I made it to the pool, an hour before it closed. Linea was already in and swimming. Wow, we have exciting the pool on a Saturday night. And our only post-pool planes...go home! But I'm not complaining!

Next Sunday is the community swim meet!

My right hip is really bothering me today. Usually it only hurts when I run. Today I could feel it during my entire swim! Eek!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your hip. Like you, I usually get a sore hip from running. However, if I do a lot of kick sets, especially with fins, I get the same sort of discomfort in my hip.

I think the discomfort is associated with my IT band. I can generally relieve it by doing IT band stretches and by rolling it over a foam roller (kind of a self-given deep tissue massage). Google "IT band stretching". Maybe you'll find a cure for what ails you.