Sunday, November 19, 2006

きときと 黒部 2006 水泳記録会

Kito Kito Kurobe 2006 Swim Meet

This morning Linea and I jumped in the car by 8:30, picked up Kylie, and headed to the pool. We were able to get in a short warm-up before the opening ceremony and the races started. This year's group was much smaller. Most of the masters swimmers didn't swim this year. So, it was mostly just the kids swim club, a few Masters swimmers and us. We got through a 200IM, 100IM, 50s of each stroke, and 25s of each stroke within 2 hours! Lovely! In and out just in time for lunch at Unazuki Beer Garden (buffet style).

Last year I swam the 50 & 25 free, 50 breast and 25 fly. This year I swam 50 brest, 25 fly and 100IM.

50m breast 42.19 (last year same meet 42.98)
25m free 18.53 (last year same meet 18.70)
100IM 1:29.97 (April Toyama Masters meet 1:29.33)

I guess I'm pretty consistent, not much change! Now, if I only trained, think of the possibilities!

Total: ~1000m
I'm working on posting some videos of the meet...I'm gonna try using google instead of! Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for dragging my sorry butt out of bed on a Sunday, it was totally worth it!

Let's do it again next year!

Kirsten said...

ha ha, I'll get back to you on that one!! But MAYBE!!

Anonymous said...

Your meet had opening ceremonies? Wow! Aren't you special!

Awesome time in the 50 breastroke!