Sunday, November 27, 2005
20x50 free 1:00 (10-15 sec rest)
strong, but not fast
200 brst k, no brd
6x100 alt IM/Free 2:15 (15-30 sec rest)
Cool down
Yikes! I haven't been to the pool since the swim meet (2 weeks ago). Today I got in the water thinking I would swim about 2-3000m. As I was getting close to 3000m, I decided to push for 4000m. And as I was approaching 4000m, I thought, why the hell not? I'm going for 5000m today! I might not get to the pool again until next weekend, and I was feeling good! Yeah!!! The brillant thing about being your own coach, is that if you start a set thinking "Oh, I'll keep it easy 2x250 pull. That sounds like a good way to end the workout." And then as you finish your 250, you just decide, why stop? And the 500 comes and goes and your still feeling good, so you just keep pushing it! It's great! But, these days are few and far between. Usually it's the other way around. Usually, I have high hopes and wimp out early on! Gambattemasu!
Monday, November 21, 2005
Nyuzen Senjouchi Marathon
The Toyama crew after the Nyuzen Marathon. "Marathon" is a little mis-leading if you don't live in Japan. It simply means a running race, not a full 26.2 mile marathon. Our group ran the 5k and 10k. I'm not sure any of us had stellar races, but we all did it in the cold and rain! And maybe it will motivate us to get my butt in gear for the next one (Kanazawa Ekiden)! Although, until I get my hip fixed, I won't be doing anymore running. I'm so NOT a runner!
Post-run onigiri, or rice balls, and nabe, a stew made with miso, tofu, pork, and veggies. It's hot, salty and super tasty! The perfect post race food!
After slurping up our stew, we headed to an onsen, hot spring, to bathe our tired sore cold bodies! And Linea treated us to some special homecooked goodness later that night! Yum!
Many of my junior high school students were also running in the 5k race. And I think they ALL beat me. But they train hard-core!! I on the other hand, have only run twice in the last 4 months! The students who didn't run volunteered along the 10k and 1/2 marathon course. I'm gonna miss them when they graduate in March!
Back to the pool for me!!! It opens Tuesday!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
I ran to the expressway and back!
30 min./approx. 5k
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Kurobe Community Swim Meet
Me, Linea, Lydia & Amy ready to race!
My competition & I after my first race, 50 breast!
Crazy face Linea & Cute face Kazu!
Lydia & Amy in line for the 25 free with the kiddies!

Surprise you're swimming breaststroke!
Linea in lane 6, rockin' a race!
50 m Breaststroke 42:98
50 m Freestyle 34:24
25 m Freestyle 15:79
25 m Butterfly 18:70
Total: ~1000m
After the meet was over and we picked up our certificates (now proudly placed on the fridge), we went to the Unazuki Beer Gardens--buffet for 14ooY! It was oishii yo!! And we stuffed ourselves!
Next we headed further up the gorge to enjoy the leaves and a hot steaming onsen! The view from the onsen is spectacular--the blue-green of the Kurobe River, the orange and red leaves dotting the mountains, and the snow covering the peaks!
It was a great day! Excercise, food & a hot bath!
Saturday, November 12, 2005
4x50 brst 1:00
4x50 free 1:00
4x25 fly 1:00
Cool Down
Total: 2000m 50min
Today was a taper workout. Ha ha ha! Can you have those if you haven't really been training and you only taper for a day?? Oh well! Tomorrow is my first race since college! I haven't done a start in ages. Yikes!
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
2100p (~31 minutes)
7x100 IM :20-30 sec rest (depending on lane traffic)
Total: 4000m 1hr 25min
Monday, November 07, 2005
8x50 alt brst/free 1:00
3x100 25fly/50brst/25free
Cool Down:
Total: 2100m 55min
I wasn't in the mood today. I hadn't eaten since lunch and didn't get to the pool until 7pm. All I could think about was dinner. But at least I got there! Tomorrow I'll try to do a bit more.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
10x50 on 1:00 medium pace
2x4x100 1st 25 IM order FAST, last 75 ez free on 2:00
100kick inbetween IM sets
Cool Down:
Total 2700m 1hour
Saturday, November 05, 2005
5x200p :30sec rest
4x25 fly on :45 (80%)
100 fr ez
4x25 back on :45
100fr ez
4x25 brst on :45
100fr ez
4x25 fr on :45
100 kick
Cool Down
Total: 3000m 70min.