Sunday, April 15, 2007

Biking & Yoga

Hurray, the bike has been out on the road everyday this week (minus today)! Not far and not long, but it has been out and about. It feels great to be back on it. I really really missed it! It's been a bit chilly, but feels great to ride in the fresh air. And traveling by bike inspires a different kind of life...I had a few extra minutes before I had to be I just rode to the beach! It was great! My goal: bike everyday from here till I find a new home for it unless the weather prevents it! Example: I tried to ride it Saturday but it was so windy I thought I might get flipped over, so I came home and did yoga. That felt great's been awhile. I love the stretching. What's my problem sometimes? I just get down and out during the winter and forget that these things exist and stop doing things that make me feel good! Frick...I need to live in a warmer climate where I'm inspired to be out and about all the time.

Total Week km: 30km

1 comment:

Linea said...

i'm jealous....and lazy, haven't made the switch to two wheels yet this year -oh, unless you count the time my car wouldn't start...