Monday, April 09, 2007

KMSC 1600m

12x50 back drills/brst drills/free

Total 1600m 70min

Another new sub coach tonight. I was just glad they didn't ask me...I wasn't in the mood. But she had me demo several of the drills. Glad I could help out! The big topic of four suits!! I've upgraded. When I first started last year I was wearing two, then a few months back I upgraded to three, and since last week--I'm wearing 4 suits! One has knots in the straps because it was getting so baggy! Ha ha ha...lots of comments tonight!! When I first started swimming I didn't see ANYONE doubling up. They are all about high fashion swim wear! The practice in $150+ suits!! And almost all the women wear the half-leg suits! But recently I have noticed a few swimmers doubling! The little girl who trains alone every Monday night has started wearing two. And the woman who calls me 'sexy' and 'beauitful' in the locker room started wearing two. And I caught another Masters swimmer wearing two!! Hmmm?? I don't want to take responsibility for starting a trend, but one might wonder why they are starting to double up all of a sudden! The question is...will they follow the triple or quad suit trend????

I'm too cheap to buy new suits! I'm still wearing my racing suit from college. It would be about 7 years old now! Now, that's quality! I bought a few in Korea last year. I've worn one down to the threads, the other two I'm saving until these four really can't be worn any longer!!


Joe said...

Four suits at once! OMG!

It sounds like you are the trend setter that they are following. The next thing you know, they'll be watching your TV shows and eating your American delicacies.

Linea said...

Wait till they start knotting their suits. That's the really cool thing to do ;)