Thursday, May 25, 2006



16x50 IM order drill, pull, kick, swim :05-10 rest
2x100 IM
4x200p breathing every 5
100 scull

Cool Down

Total: 3500m 1hr. 35min.

It felt great to get in after a day of being in the sun. I needed the water to cool the burn, literally! The lanes were full, but I was able to swim with masters swimmers and all went well.
I tried to do a pull set breathing every 5, but I often forget or have a mini panic. I need to get over that.

I wish there was an outdoor pool I could practice at!!! It's light from 5am-7pm, so much potential outdoor time! But no outdoor pools! ;(

1 comment:

Joe said...

That panic thing is hard to fight during those breath every X sets. You're fighthing thousands of years of evolution there.

Too bad about the outdoor pool issue. We're switching from indoor to outdoor next week. We'll be at the outdoor pool all summer.