Saturday, May 27, 2006

Giant OCR 3

I've been thinking about buying a bike for awhile. My friend is doing a bike ride across Japan and my other friend is training for triatholons. And, well, I need to start cross-training! Swimming just isn't enough. And I don't really like running. I've done it, I can do it if I have to. But I don't like to! And it hurts my body. It's not my thing. So, I'm converting to biking. My goal is to be a communter biker! And swim in addition! Yeah!

The last straw: I went to the pool today and it was closed. Why? Tomorrow is the road race. So they closed the pool for the weekend. What?? Why?? I decided I needed an alternative! I bought a bike!

Let's go biking!!


Joe said...

Doh! I wanted to buy a bike for the same reason! I need a break from running and swimming.

Which brand did you get? Is it suitable from triathlons?

Kirsten said...

I bought a Giant OCR 3. My friend bought it for triatholons. I just bought it for commuting! You can read reviews of it on the internet. I rode 20k today! I like!!

Linea said...

are you ready?

I'll kick your but if you kick mine. I need a break from this running business. I almost killed me today!

Joe, I was told by a couple of bike shop owners that this is a good entry bike for people on a budget who are starting out in triathlons. I hope they're right!!

Linea said...

oops, Sista K I meant to say:

I'll kick your BUTT


time for bed...