Tuesday, May 16, 2006


600s/400k IM/100d IM

1500p on 23:30 (which probably means I didn't actually do 1500)
4x25 fly 1:00
2x50 back
4x25 brst :45
4x25 free :30

Cool Down

Total: 3300m 1hr. 20min.

It's amazing how much you can get done if you aren't resting all the time! The 1500 pull was a challenge today because my shoulders were sore from yesterday after the two week hiatus. But I pulled through (ha ha ha). Anyway, I started it breathing every 5 but of course that didn't last long. It usually doesn't. And I highly doubt I actually did 1500m on that time, but I was swimming hard. I can't count worth crap. I need a counter! There were some kids practicing next to me and they were kicking faster than I was pulling! That's motivation to go faster! So I swam in and finished it hard! Felt good to do a real swim today!


Joe said...

1500 pull? Ouch! Your poor, poor shoulders. Give them my regards.

Kirsten said...

but it feels so so good!!! i recommend it!

Joe said...

I'm just curious, where is your permanent home (I'm assuming that you're only in Japan for a year or two)? For some reason, I get a Canadian vibe from you.

Kirsten said...

really??? hurray!!! I was made an honorary Canadian by my Canadian friends. But alas, I'm American. I'm from Portland, OR....almost Canadia!

I'm starting my 3rd year in August. After 3 years I'll be done. Next....Oman, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAE? Not sure yet! But I hope there is a pool nearby!

Joe said...

Portland is almost Canadian anyway.