Monday, May 14, 2007

KMSC 1650m

8x50 k
2x50 scull
6x50 25 r arm/25 l arm
6x50 brth every 3/5/7/3/5/7
200 cool down

Total: 1650m 1hr.

Wow, it was like a real workout tonight. I showed up late, so I barely got a warm-up in. But as soon as the clock struck 7:40 we were off the wall and doing 50s. I wasn't watching the interval, but we were leaving on an interval. Wow! That's a first! And everyone was almost making it. We only lapped two people by the end of the kick set. Impressive. The drill set was kinda boring, but again, we stayed on time. And the breath control set was fine. We swam more than we've ever swam before and we kept our heart rate up. Of course everyone was complaining and saying the two young swimmers were the only ones enjoying it. And it's probably true. The young coach was actually swimming tonight and I was right behind her. We were enjoying it!!

I got asked to help volunteer at the upcoming road race. Not to help with traffic control!! Sweet!! So anyway, I had to exchange digits with a woman after practice...the woman who is always looking me up and down and calling me sexy. So tonight in the locker room, we are exchanging numbers and she announces my birthday. Ehh?? How did she know that? She said she's in love with me. And then I asked if she knew my address and she said not yet, but when she finds it she'll send me love letters! Whoa!! This is funny for a few reasons...1) Japanese people rarely joke about gay relationships 2) rarely does anyone joke like that with me because of the language barrier 3) she seems just slightly serious and I love it but 4) I know she's not serious at all!! Man, oh man, if and when this country starts coming's gonna be wild!

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