Monday, May 01, 2006

KMSC Practice


12x50 drills fly/back

Cool Down

Total: 1300m 1hr

I got to the pool late today and didn't have time for my usual 1000m+ warm-up. Anyway, we did more drills today. Mostly back. Yuck!! I hate back. But it's good to practice. The only reason I hate it is because it's my weakest I need more practice!
If I have time inbetween cleaning and studying, I'll try to get to the pool tomorrow. But that's a big MAYBE. It looks like I'll have a 2 week yasumi!


Joe said...

I hate backstroke too. I was probably the worst in the club a few months ago. Now I can probably beat at least half the club members. My secret is putting in an honest effort whenever our coach gives us long sets of 200 backstroke (which is often). I still hate backstroke but now I'm a weak backstroker instead of a horrible backstroker.

BTW, when are your parents arriving (I think I read something about that on your Sista K blog)?

Linea said...

backstroke is my new favorite 2nd best stroke ;)

I've had a 2 week break, the shoulder is still tweaked, but I might try to get to the pool this week to paddle around for a bit.

I'm getting antsy.