Wednesday, June 28, 2006
500 km and counting
And saving big on gas!!
I love my bike!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
4x100 on 1:30 alt sprint 1st/2nd/3rd/4th 25
8x25 IM order :40-50
4x100 IM
Cool Down:
Total: 3000m 1hr. 15min.
I wasn't excited about the sprint set, it was Linea's idea! But afterward I wanted to keep going. So we did a few more sets. Nothing super crazy, but it kept our heart rates up and kept the attention of the guys in the lanes next to ours.
Getting over that initial warm-up hump is the hardest. If I can do 1500-2000m warm-up, I can usually do more. If I'm lazy and quit before that, I can barely finish 2000m.
Now Linea and I need to get serious and get our butts in gear!!!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
There and back, plus a side-trip to find the Brazilian bbq party, we did 29km today in about 90 minutes.....nothing strenuous!
It was pretty cool today, and overcast.
Total: 29km 90min.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
25 km
But I think the rainy season might be starting. It was sprinkling on and off on my ride. It's grey and cloudy. Looks like Portland weather--depressing. But great for studying!
Total: 25 km 40 min.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
8x100 pull/IM alt
Cool Down
Total: 2350m 1hr.
Linea and I headed to the pool right after school. I opted out of biking because my schedule is tight on Tuesdays. It's been about 2 weeks since I've been in the water since the pool was closed last week. It was nice to stretch out after all the biking! Although I didn't notice any improvement in my kicking! Hmmm? Aren't my legs getting stronger?
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Apato Feva is time for new shoes. But I'm too cheap to buy them unless I know they'll help. The major benefit of running, once you have the shoes, it's free! And you can do it anywhere anytime.
Regardless, I have to run on the PTA relay team again next month. I was the first leg of the team last year and came in last behind all my students! Pathetic!!
Once upon a time, I ran a marathon. I haven't a clue how to get my body back to that again. I'm not sure it's possible!
Back to the paper!
Friday, June 16, 2006
Beach Cruisin'
Total: 40 min. 15km
P.S. I posted the frog picture below! Check it out!!
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Too Early!
We managed to get a little further today. In 55 minutes we did 20km. Plus I rode to school, although that barely counts its so close.
Total: 1hr. 24 km
I want to do it again, but maybe not tomorrow!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Early AM ride
Going up we mainted a steady 20km/hr. On the way back down we averaged 28km/hr.
Total: 50min 18km (broke 300km on the speedometer today)
Sunday, June 11, 2006
42 km

This afternoon Amy, Linea and I got on our bikes and followed the coast up into Niigata. We had a few detours around rivers and little harbors. But it was a beautiful ride up the coast. It's so fun

Good times on the bike!
When's the next ride ladies??
Friday, June 09, 2006
Wet'n Wild

Today Linea and I decided to brave the rain and bike to the pool! We were drenched by the time we got there, but what did it matter, we were getting in the pool. We just did a warm-up. It was getting dark and we didn't want to bike back on wet dark streets! The bike ride is exactly 10k each direction. About 30 minutes each way. Luckily, the rain had stopped by the time we got out. Wearing wet clothes home wasn't much fun!
8x25 fly 1:00
400k (fr/brst)
Swim Total: 1500m 40min.
Bike Total: 20km 1hr.
I've had my bike for 13 days, I've ridden every day. I've clocked 200km!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Funami Chu
Round-trip: 21km 1 hr!
My legs and knees are starting to react to this new sport. I may need to take a day off this weekend, but then again, I'm lovin' it so much...maybe NOT!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
2000m +bike
800RIM (linea style)
Cool Down
Total: 2000m 1hr
Plus 13km on the bike today. I felt it in my legs a little bit after school today. I've ridden my bike for 10 straight days! As long as the weather is good, I plan to bike to my mountain school tomorrow. I think I'll give myself 40minutes to get there. It usually takes 20minutes by car.
Three Masters swimmers were at the pool tonight. They all commented on the video and watching my "kirei" strokes! I'm so glad I wasn't there for the viewing! But they said I could borrow it and watch it. Hurray! I tried coaching two of them in breastroke pull tonight, but with the language barrier, there is only so much demonstration you can do.
My chlorine allergy combined with hayfever is out of hand! I was sneezing under water tonight. And it's gotten to the point where it's just the constant nasal drip...drip, drip, drip! All the time!
Monday, June 05, 2006
Kurobe roundtrip
Yep, it's happening. Amy, Linea & I are taking our bikes on the ferry to Hokkaido for 5 days at the end of July! Well, Amy's staying! But Linea & I have to come back. Zannen! We just need to figure out a few logistics, like getting three bikes on Bertie, and we will be ready to go.
So, it's Monday night and the Masters team is in the water as I type this. But because I already biked to Kurobe once today and I didn't want to bike back after dark, I decided to skip out on practice. Plus.....the paper is calling my name!
Back to work!
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Unazuki by bike
Today was my first ride without a big back-pack carrying either lots of books or clothes. It was amazing! Having a good bike and nothing on your back makes all the difference in the world. I thought I'd do about 20k, but after getting to the red bridge at the base of Unazuki, I decided to do the whole thing! I'm not sure what the difference in elevation is between Nyuzen and Unazuki, but it's a steady climb for about 16km. I braved a tunnel going up and riding on the side of a mountain looking at the river a few hundred feet below coming down. On that down slop my back brake decided to freeze up. That was a little scary. I think it needs adjusting.
Oh, and I like my new Polar Bottle. It does keep water cool for the duration of the ride. It doesn't heat up and taste like bathwater by the end. Well, it's still June. Maybe in August it will. But maybe in August, I won't be able to ride my bike at 3pm either! It was light out at 4:45 this morning...gonna have to start getting up early and biking!
I was able to maintain mid-upper 20km/hr. And I got a few bursts of up to 38km/hr! There are some great roads for riding along the Kurobe River! Which just makes me want to get an intertube or small raft and go down it. I think it's manageable. I think we should try it! Our next adventure!
Who wants to ride to Unazuki with me?? I want to go again!
Total: 35km 1hr. 45min.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Bike'n Swim'n Bike
~1000m swim
10km bike home
Today was video day. So I did about a 700warm-up, 4x25 IM to tape our starts, 3xturns, 100 cool down. The team is off to Himi on a bus so they can start drinking early!! They're crazy! Anyway, they are going to watch the video tonight before/after/while they drink! I can only imagine the requests for freeze frames to make fun of people and criticize! I'm kinda glad I'm not going! But I hope I get to see the video one of these days. They had an underwater camera going for the turns!
The bike rides felt good! 30 minutes there and back again! I'm still figuring out gears and shifting. But this area is great because it's so flat!
Friday, June 02, 2006
Total: 1250m 25min.
Yep, that's it! It was a long week, and a LONG friday! I barely made it to the pool at all. This was my first week of biking everyday. My schools aren't that far...but I managed to accumulate 60km! Yahoo. My goal is to bike to the pool tomorrow! Yikes!
Time to sleep!