Wednesday, June 21, 2006

25 km

Cycling/Biking is a great sport because you can run errands and get excercise. I love multi-tasking and saving time/resources/money. So today I rode to and from school and went to Kurobe to pay for my SUMO tickets! Hurray! I've been wanting to go to sumo for awhile. I can't wait!

But I think the rainy season might be starting. It was sprinkling on and off on my ride. It's grey and cloudy. Looks like Portland weather--depressing. But great for studying!

Total: 25 km 40 min.

1 comment:

Damien said...

雨季ですね? I know that it can be very sticky over there. Hope you have A/C or at least a fan. Sumo is awesome! Hope you have a wonderful time...