Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Early AM ride

The alarm went off at 5:40. I'm not used to that. I usually get up at 6:50. But the sun was up and it looked like a beautiful day. So I made it out of bed and got me and my bike down to the parking lot. Linea and I took off at 6am. We rode towards the mountains and up the Kurobe River for about 30 minutes before heading back. It was a bit windy and chilly, but a clear sunny beautiful morning! No traffice, just a few farmers picking vegetables and checking the level of water in their rice paddies. I think we startled more than a few of them.

Going up we mainted a steady 20km/hr. On the way back down we averaged 28km/hr.

Total: 50min 18km (broke 300km on the speedometer today)


Linea said...

I loved every minute of it!


Think we can get Amy up that early to join us????

Kirsten said...

not a chance in hell!

unless she happens to be sleeping in a tent with us and we are her ride to Wakkanai! :)


Joe said...

Next stop -- Tour de France!

Linea said...

Whoa there Joe!!

Give us time to figure out our gears first!!!