Saturday, September 09, 2006


Can you count km if you do them drunk?? It was only the last 3-4 I did drunk. But I counted them in today's total anyway. But in acutuality I biked about 28km throughout the day. I had sports day today. But don't let that fool you....I didn't do any sports. Only my students do the sports and I sit on my ass and watch them. I did get to join in two of the events. The first was a PTA dice soccer ball relay game of sorts. I was first. But my team lost. That was at my small school in the mountains (that I biked too). Then I biked to my other JHS. At that school I got to dance in the obon odori...a folk dance at the end of the day with EVERYONE. I was only out on the field for maybe 30minutes. And I got burned!!! And then I biked home and biked back into town for the party afterward...that's where the beer came in!

Total: 32km 1hr+

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