Friday, September 15, 2006


Today was the sunny and warm--finally! It was beautiful compared to the last week--gray and rainy. So after biking to/from school, I decided to bike to the pool. Not for a swim, just to sign up for the Masters meet in October. It was too nice to be inside and plus, my pool allergy has gotten so bad, if I swim it pretty much incapacitates me for the rest of the day. It's really bad! So I have to plan my entire schedule around it. So, today I just biked! On the way there, I was able to maintain 25-30km/hr. Coming back was harder because I was going against the wind. I was at about 20km/hr. Felt good!

Oh...but my gear/pedal on the right side is clicking every time my right foot pushes down in the rotation. It's getting pretty annoying! I'm not exactly sure why or how--but it needs to be fixed!

Total: 32 km 1hr+

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