Saturday, September 23, 2006

A Failed Attempt

I had this feeling that the pool would be closed today. It's Saturday and it's usually open on Saturday. But I had a feeling today would be one of those unlucky days where I show up and it's a special holiday or a maintence week. But I ignored that feeling and picked up a friend that lives in the opposite direction and we were going to go for a swim....but, it was closed! Just like I thought. ANNOYING!! It turns out, today is a national holiday, but since it's on a Saturday I don't notice it. Usually it only really matters if it falls on a weekday. But not at the pool.

So we went to an onsen and relaxed for an hour instead.

I've been so sore this week from Mt. Hakusan I haven't done much besides stretching and biking to and from school.

Monday is swim practice!

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